Sunday, December 04, 2005

Hello All:

Ta's 21st was a hell of a bash. I'm Waiting for the photos to come through and then we can all have a laughing session at the expense of the photographed victims!
Ta was radiant in her playboy outfit - The Magician, Chris had a real clever idea for a hat (Cara, you will love this, he wore a biker's helmut and to top it all a ducati one, how typically Italian can Chris get), Donna with her cone head matched to someone else's (no names),Zelda with her top hat, Stephanie with her cheater's hat (a little puny clip hat!), The top hat gang and their bubbling personalities, Derwent in his wizard hat, AND SO MANY OTHERS (whom I can't name).Really looking forward to the pics!Oh, AND MYSELF - Little French Girl with a Beret.


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